Archive for the ‘“Neo Faliro”’ Category

I recently developed a roll that I had shot with my F75 that I had bought for a steal price of 16 euros. I had shot this film in two locations that had written in two separate posts.At the Old Train Station of Megara and at Faliron. In both posts I had photos taken with my D3200. In this roll I had similar shots on film to the ones I took with my DSLR.

The Old Steam Locomotive, Megara Old Train Station

D3200 Megara Old Train Station

F55 Nikon F75 Kodak ProImage 100

D3200 Megara Old Train Station

F75 Nikon F75 Kodak ProImage 100

D3200 Megara Old Train Station

F75 Nikon F75 Kodak ProImage 100

F75 Nikon F75 Kodak ProImage 100

Urban Decay, Crisis Aftermath |Faliro, NAI Cafe and Olympico

F75 Nikon F75 Kodak ProImage 100

F75 Nikon F75 Kodak ProImage 100

F75 "Cherry Tree" Nikon F75 Kodak ProImage 100

F75 Nikon F75 Kodak ProImage 100

F75 Nikon F75 Kodak ProImage 100

Here the same shot with D3200

D3200Urban Decay, Crisis Aftermath

another one with F75 and ProImage.

F75 Nikon F75 Kodak ProImage 100

In my eyes the film can still stand next to digital at least to my taste,It adds character that I most times add in post proccessing in my digital photos. Also with film you are most likely going to make prints and thats a nice thing that sometimes we forget with the digital photos.

More photos in my Flickr album


Last week I wrote a post about the Urban Decay that i faced in my walk down to Neo Faliron. I intentionally left out of my post all the “good” , “normal” or “expected” street shots that I took as I walked around the triangle of Faliron, Peace & Friendship Stadium and Karaiskaki. Here are a few photos that i took with my D3200. I really enjoyed the beautiful graffiti that you could see almost everywhere, some where in my eyes fantastic.

Neo Faliro

Neo Faliro

Neo Faliro

Neo Faliro

Neo Faliro

Neo Faliro

Neo Faliro

Neo Faliro

Neo Faliro

Neo Faliro

Neo Faliro

Neo Faliro

Neo Faliro

Neo Faliro

Neo Faliro

Neo Faliro

Neo Faliro

Neo Faliro

Neo Faliro

Neo Faliro

Neo Faliro

Neo Faliro

Neo Faliro

See more In My Flickr Album.