Archive for the ‘colour’ Category


In ancient Greek myths, rose was a symbol of both love and beauty as it was the incarnation of Aphrodite who stained the flower red with her blood. The rose in dreams is a symbol of love.

In dream interpretation, red, white, yellow and pink roses have different meanings. Red roses suggest good luck. White roses stands for credit. Yellow roses are the symbol of hardship and pink roses indicate unexpected help.

For young people, the dream about roses suggests you will enjoy happiness in the future love relationship.

For married people, the dream about roses suggests you will love each other devotedly and enjoy the sweet marriage.

For unmarried people, the dream about roses indicates you will get married soon.

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I had the opportunity to visit Chalkida again after 15+years a beautiful city which i would urge you to visit if you ever come to Greece. I had only a few hours to spend so I just took a few photos in the area around the old bridge.

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A few words on the City “Chalkida sits on the long narrow island of Evia, one of the largest islands in Greece, but you don’t have to take a boat to get there. Instead there are two bridges. The magnificent new suspension bridge is highly impressive but the real magic, the ‘crazy waters’ of the gulf of Evia, is best seen from the old bridge beyond it. It may seem like a really small tide for those used to the Atlantic but its behavior is seen nowhere else on this planet.

Every six hours it changes direction, for reasons that science is still unable to fully explain. Hundreds of visitors come almost daily from Athens, though probably not only to see this bizarre natural phenomenon. More likely, they are drawn by the warm atmosphere, the cafes and bars, walks by the shore and the delicious seafood. Chalkida is a nearby escape for Athenians and it can be yours, too.”

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My 9 year old son using Canon 500 D and Nikon D7200 to capture from the car window street view of the Schisto Street Bazaar, Piraeus. Everything shot on the move. And I did the Editing On Lightroom 6.

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See More in My Flickr Album

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Nikon F75 + Sigma AF Zoom Master 35-70mm f3.5, Kodak Image Pro 100

More than 15 days Ago I had a nice morning walk with my son, where I had my D7200 and he had the Nikon F75 with him to capture anything he felt interesting on Kodak ProImage 100 film. Here are some shots from his film scanned with Epson V550 and processed in LR6.

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In the island of Salamina exist two beautifully pine forests. The first is the Faneromeni forest that is found in the north-western side of island and is offered for running, bike and other activities.

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