Archive for the ‘thision’ Category

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D7200, Nikon 18-55mm f3.5 VR, Hoya UV

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Immortal Sacred Marbles

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Another pic from my walk down Thision. A multicolor vibrant T-shirt wallpaper. Enjoy it.

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The Stoa of Attalos (also spelled Attalus) was a stoa (covered walkway or portico) in the Agora of Athens, Greece. It was built by and named after King Attalos II of Pergamon, who ruled between 159 BC and 138 BC. The current building was reconstructed from 1952 -1956 by American architects.

Read more Stoa Attalos

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Great morning today it was. Sunny clear weather and early in the morning I visited Athens busy classical area of Thision, under Acropolis. The ancient ruins blended with the classical late 19th and early 20th century buildings under the bright sun. People gathering to see what the little tables of the flea market sellers had to offer.Others where sitting at the coffee shops next to Thision station or opposite Acropolis. Sometimes I believe its summer in Athens even in the mid November…


Athena, Ancient, Old, New, Sacred... Alive!

Athena, Ancient, Old, New, Sacred... Alive!

Athena, Ancient, Old, New, Sacred... Alive!

Athena, Ancient, Old, New, Sacred... Alive!

Athena, Ancient, Old, New, Sacred... Alive!

See more in my Flickr Album


Today I went to Thision, to pick up some things from a friend.Early Sunday Morning,Great weather and people slowly gathering for the traditional flea market, or to enjoy a cup of coffee under the bright Athenian Sun.

I had the opportunity to use my Olympus EPL5. Here are some shot I took in a hurry.

Thision EPL5

"I'm Just looking, I'm not buying". Thision EPL5Thision EPL5

Thision EPL5

Thision EPL5

More Photos in my Flickr Album.