Archive for March, 2016

Another pic from my walk down Thision. A multicolor vibrant T-shirt wallpaper. Enjoy it.

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Timeless, Moments. Athens Streets D7200

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White and blue, my flag the Sky, D7200

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Burned, D7200, Nikon 18-55mm VR

Thisio again busy streets ,split second decisions, pushed from the back still I manage to SEE.

The Cult brass hand powered “HiFi” of  1900s set of on a car roof top.

Colorful background and bonus far right corner “Andy Warhol’s” Mannequin dancing ,Standing Still.

In the sounds of the city.

Breath in, Breath out… Click…Moment captured….Let it travel in time!!

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Walking down the street, fully packed with people enjoying the rejuvenating Sun . The flea market has spilled its goods  and sellers in the surrounding streets. Yes Typical Sunday morning. Yet something caught my eye , camera up …Snap! Yes I captured a time capsule ..on wheels. I cherish the moment, I dig into the history pile… but that’s another story.

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The Stoa of Attalos (also spelled Attalus) was a stoa (covered walkway or portico) in the Agora of Athens, Greece. It was built by and named after King Attalos II of Pergamon, who ruled between 159 BC and 138 BC. The current building was reconstructed from 1952 -1956 by American architects.

Read more Stoa Attalos

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Most of the time when we see articles or photos of tourist locations such as Koroni Messinia we see the beauty of those places at summer time. Places filled with crowds of tourists, kids and life. How do these places look  when the crowds are gone and the sun is gone?

Trust me beauty is hidden in every corner.

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Koroni Castle March 2016

Koroni Castle March 2016
Garden of Eden

Koroni Castle March 2016
Wild Beauty

Koroni Castle March 2016
The Cross

Koroni Castle March 2016

Koroni Castle March 2016
Young Lady,Gone 1918

Koroni Castle March 2016
Dionysios Rallis ,Mayor

Koroni Castle March 2016
Against threatening Sky

Koroni Castle March 2016

Koroni Castle March 2016

Koroni Castle March 2016
We LIVE ..IN.. History, WE Breath Free..

Read more in my Flickr Album

A real men’s Lens, full metal body with silk glass heart. A great gift from Japan that cost me  90Euro including postage.




I am really happy with this small gem from Nikon. Ken Rockwell has an in depth analysis for this lens. You can read it here:Nikon 50mm f/1.4 NIKKOR-S Auto (1966-1974)

It works great with my d7200, focusing is easy  the results are Super,I can see my self using it extensively. (note just that Multi-coating is absent).

Here are some samples

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Nikon 50mm f/1.4 NIKKOR-S Auto (1966-1974)

Nikon 50mm f/1.4 NIKKOR-S Auto (1966-1974)

Nikon 50mm f/1.4 NIKKOR-S Auto (1966-1974)

Nikon 50mm f/1.4 NIKKOR-S Auto (1966-1974)

Nikon 50mm f/1.4 NIKKOR-S Auto (1966-1974)