Archive for the ‘reading’ Category

On your way up Philopappos you will pass a small cave which is supposed to be the prison of Socrates, but there is no proof of this, and it is much more likely to have been imprisoned in the state prison in the ancient Agora.

During WWII artifacts from the Acropolis and National Archaeological Museum were secreted here, sealed behind a wall.

Jacques-Louis David:1787
The Death of Socrates
, Oil Painting

The many holes on the surface of the rock (see above) were used to sustain wooden beams. There must have been a two- or three-story structure in front of these caves. It is now known when they were made, nor what was the nature of the building

D72_0794 small

socrates prison

socrates prison

socrates prison

socrates prison


Darlene Hildebrandt is the Managing Editor of dPS. She is also an educator who teaches aspiring amateurs and hobbyists how to improve their skills through articles, online photography classes, and travel tours. She gives us tips for better Black and White Conversion in Lightroom. Specificaly she writes ” Ever wondered how the professional photographers get those dreamy black and white or sepia toned images? Wonder why yours come out looking dull and flat looking?  I’m going to give you 3 tips to help you do better black and white conversions using Adobe Lightroom, and solve that problem!...”

Read the Article: 3 Tips for Better Black and White Conversion using Lightroom


I read an article in a blog called Vintage Everyday, about Photos of Life at Woodstock Festival 1969 I think they are great and you should have a look.

Read The Article : Photos of Life at Woodstock Festival 1969

Photos of Life at Woodstock 1969 (37)


For Last some food for thought Should we photograph the homeless? The argument is put by the Casual Photophile.

Read The Article : On Photographing the Homeless – A Dialogue


Jeanette D. Moses writes a post about a startup who turns to Kickstarter to fund stories from five heavy-hitting photojournalists.”Could Crowdfunding Save Photojournalism?” She writes “‘….A startup called Viewfind is trying to change all that. A newly launched Kickstarter from the company is trying to raise $25,000 to produce five long-term documentary projects from Sara Naomi Lewkowicz, Ruddy Roye, Beth Nakamura, Benjamin Lowy and Matt Eich.….” 

Read the Article: Could Crowdfunding Save Photojournalism?


Carl Edwards writes about moving to film photography…for ever.. “….It’s been a long time coming but I’ve finally made the switch back to film photography. Digital is very promising with a bright future but in the end I was won over by the little light-tight cartridges packed with 64.5 inches of silver halides waiting to be kissed by the light. Hit the jump to read the top 10 reasons I made the switch! ….”

Aaron Brown Writes :” Film fanatics rejoice because filmmaker Matt Mangham is back with the second installment of Analog, a personal series he put together to find and tell stories which explore the current state of film photography.”

Olympus EPL5 , OM-m4/3 adapter and Zuiko 50mm f1.8 Manual Lens