Archive for the ‘pireaus’ Category

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Nikon F75 + Sigma AF Zoom Master 35-70mm f3.5, Kodak Image Pro 100

More than 15 days Ago I had a nice morning walk with my son, where I had my D7200 and he had the Nikon F75 with him to capture anything he felt interesting on Kodak ProImage 100 film. Here are some shots from his film scanned with Epson V550 and processed in LR6.

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Film photography lessons with my 9 year old son. He is equipped with a Nikon F75 with a Sigma 35-70mm, and Kodak ProImage 100. My mission to photo the Photographer and get some photos on my own with my digital D7200. Drapetsona, Port. Fish Market.

In another timeline Odysseus returns to a long gone home. Everything he owns everything he loves is dead. He doesn’t know it , he is hoping for reunion. His arrival is seen by his blind servant as a Painting of His ship, the blue sky and sea. All framed by the ruins of his home.  His wrath will be the epilogue.

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Relics of a long lost era.The spirit keeps its back to the outside world and insists on living in the past. He keeps his eyes nailed on the worn graffiti on the wall.The lost love that dies slowly with him. Trapped in time and space. In Love…

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Another photo from my walk in the ruins of the old fertilizer Factory at Drapetsona.

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D3200 , NIKON 55-200MM VR "Mechanical Grasshopper"

                                             D3200 , NIKON 55-200MM VR “Mechanical Grasshopper”