Archive for October, 2017

Greece entered WW2 at 28th of Oct 1940, after the Italians demanded surrender and Ioannis Metaxas answered “NO”. This small word was the united Greek Nation’s answer from the same moment. My grandfather was listed immediately From Koroni to Kalamata and then Athens. The first photo is from Athens (date unknown), the Second is from Albania at the 11th of Nov 1940, just 10 days after the declaration of war. He send my grandmother Dimitra the 2nd photo with a short note on the back. “My Dearest Dimitra I send you my photo for remembering me your husband, Nikolaos Douralas” 1940_Nov_7th

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1st Photo is from Athens before leaving for the Albanian Frontier

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Photo from the Albanian front 1940 Nov 7th

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I would like to celebrate this National Day by remembering those who fought against all odds for our freedom. I hope we get inspired by them today.

My 9 year old son using Canon 500 D and Nikon D7200 to capture from the car window street view of the Schisto Street Bazaar, Piraeus. Everything shot on the move. And I did the Editing On Lightroom 6.

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See More in My Flickr Album

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Rusty Ghost Graffiti, Helios 44M and Canon 500D

Nikon F75 + Sigma AF Zoom Master 35-70mm f3.5, Kodak Image Pro 100

More than 15 days Ago I had a nice morning walk with my son, where I had my D7200 and he had the Nikon F75 with him to capture anything he felt interesting on Kodak ProImage 100 film. Here are some shots from his film scanned with Epson V550 and processed in LR6.

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