Posts Tagged ‘black and white’

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I wish a Happy 2019 to all of you , with health and luck.

2018 was a challenging year for me in many aspects of my life but overall I would describe it as a strengthening experience. That as a fact took a toll on my blogging activity. This year I had only 26 new posts, but it was the year that this blog had the most views since 2015 by far. I wanted to share an input on what attracted your interest mostly this year.

2018 Top 5 Visited Blog Posts

As it can easily be seen the common thing in all these posts is that they all are from 2015. Also 3 out of 5 are related to film cameras and analogue photography. The other 2 are travel blogs , photos from trips with my camera.

But how about the new posts from 2018, which where the most visited?

Here are the TOP 5.

Here the 3 out of 5 posts are B&W related posts, one is a travel post and the last one is a history related post.

I would like to thank all of you around the world that have visited my blog and I hope that 2019 will be a creative year for all of us.

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Views, Visitors. Stats ‹ Digital Film Revolution



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When I saw these two statue heads I had this feeling from that particular angle like there was a hint of an attraction, like they needed to see each other in the eyes, an impossible task. They looked Separated in Eternity but forever in Love. For that reason I had to capture the moment.

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